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Review of the Triple Red Hot 777 Slot Machine for Free and Real Money in 2023

Gameplay and graphics

Our experts have reviewed hundreds of different online slots and one thing always impresses them. Simple gameplay, done well – and that’s just what we found at Triple Red Hot Sevens. Gone are the fancy animations and theming; instead this game takes players back to basics. The game’s design is based on that of a retro slot machine you’d find in a land-based casino. There are not many symbols to remember when you’re playing the Triple Red Hot 777 slot machine. You’ll be able to master the basics in no time.

The series of repetitive symbols are key to ensuring this game remains simple to play. Even complete slots beginners could learn how to play this slot with ease. One of our top Triple Red Hot 777 tips is to look out for the pay table. It gives you a clear explanation as to which symbols you’ll need to land that big win.

One thing is for sure, Triple Red Hot 777 isn’t for those on a small budget. With bets per line ranging from $25 to $125, you could bet some serious cash on just one spin. Playing with this kind of money isn’t for everyone, so it’s wise to think twice before hitting spin. This is the perfect game for someone who loves classic slots and has wads of cash to play with.

Triple Red Hot 777s jackpot and bonuses

The round of bonus games on the Triple Red Hot 777 online slot is not to be missed. This is your best way to get a big payout, so make sure you look out for those all-important bonus symbols when you play. Whenever you see a bonus symbol appear in any of the three windows you’ll trigger seven free spins. During free spins in your bonus round there’s another chance to maximise those winnings. Keep your eyes peeled for the Spitfire Multiplier. It lights up and could see your winning combo multiplied by between two and seven times the usual payout. And that’s not all - there’s even a chance to win a massive 700 free spins while you play the bonus round!.

Triple Red Hot 777 mobile options

Luckily for you, now you can spin the reels at Triple Red Hot 777 on your mobile. The clever team at IGT have ensured you can play on your mobile by optimizing the game for smartphones. Unfortunately, there’s not a Triple Red Hot 777 app just yet, so you have to open the slot in your web browser. This means that Android and iOS users are free to play slots whenever and wherever they feel like it. Looks like it’s time to start spinning those reels.


If you’re looking for a pure and simple take on a classic online slot game, Triple Red Hot 777 is the one for you. The symbols are classic, unfussy, and easy to follow. Our experts found that there are also lots of opportunities to win big. That’s thanks to a selection of bonus round features offering free spins and generous multipliers.

One of the best aspects of this slot was its sound effects, which make you feel like you’re in Vegas. In fact, our reviewers found that the sound effects were one of the main draws of playing Triple Red Hot 777 slots. Its generous multipliers and simple symbols made the paytable of this game very easy to understand and master. Sign up and start winning today.


Article information

Author: Scott Harrington

Last Updated: 1703316002

Views: 941

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (99 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Scott Harrington

Birthday: 1933-07-09

Address: 604 Phillips Way Apt. 749, Cardenasborough, IA 91675

Phone: +3634298475052184

Job: Biomedical Engineer

Hobby: Skydiving, Gardening, Stamp Collecting, Cooking, Fishing, Bird Watching, Animation

Introduction: My name is Scott Harrington, I am a tenacious, transparent, important, artistic, accessible, courageous, risk-taking person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.